Friday, August 26, 2016

All about me

I am Kalila Tvedtnes and I am a dancer. I have been dancing for 8 years and have loves it ever since I started. I was asked to start a blog for my Digital Photography class at school, Utah Virtual Academy (K12). I was super excited to start a blog even though I had no idea what to do it on at the time. I lived in California for 6 years and a little while after I moved there my mom asked me, "What kind of physical activity do you want to do?" and out of the blue I said, "I wanna do ballet." My mom was kind of shocked but she enrolled me into a ballet school near our house and I have just improved ever since and grown with it ever since. I have been on point for a year and a half and I also do many other verities as well. I am on my 4th pair of point shoes and will have to get my 5th soon. When ever I do ballet I feel like all of my troubles and hardships of the world float away. I feel like I can do anything while I'm dancing.

First pair(far left), Second pair(center), Third pair(far right)
Photo taken by Kalila Tvedtnes
My family consists of me, my Mom, Dad, Step-Dad, 3 brothers, and 2 sisters. My dad has 4 kids and my mom has 3. My parents divorced when I was 5 years old and my mom re married when I was 7 years old. My family is pretty awesome. For my Dad's kids I am the youngest and for my Mom's kids I am the oldest. I like telling people that I am the oldest and the youngest to confuse them and then explain why so they understand why I am not the middle child.
I am a huge fan of Star Wars and have watched episodes 1-7. I can't wait for the episode 8 to come out. I have Darth Vader's and Luck Skywalker's light sabers (Luck's light saber lights up green). I am always cracking jokes related to Star Wars like, "May the force be with you," but changing to word "force" to something else.

Me with my Darth Vader light saber
Photo taken by Kalila Tvedtnes
I am planning on working on my blog over the course of my Digital Photography class and also after I am done with the class. Hope you like my first post and I also hope to post again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I love it - we're going to have to get everyone on board with this blog following!
